Automatic Water Level Measurement

Case overview

 Our Automatic Water Level Measurement Project is a prime example of how we’re pushing boundaries and transforming the way water management is conducted.

Our cutting-edge solution provides real-time data on water levels in rivers, dams, and lakes throughout Turkey. By utilising advanced technology and expert engineering, we’ve created a system that ensures accurate, reliable, and timely water level measurements.

Our team of experienced professionals understands the importance of effective water management, and we’re committed to providing solutions that make a real impact. From design to implementation, we worked closely with our client to deliver results that exceeded expectations.

The Brief

In Turkey,  accurately measuring water levels in rivers, dams, and lakes is a difficult and time-consuming task that is prone to human error. Water level measurements were typically taken manually by field workers. This process was not only time-consuming but also prone to human error, resulting in inaccurate measurements. Furthermore, the manual process limited the number of measurements that could be taken, making it difficult to get a comprehensive understanding of water levels over time.

The Project

The Automatic Water Level Measurement Project involved the installation of sensors at various locations in water resources such as rivers, dams, and lakes. These sensors continuously measure the water levels and send the data to a central server for real-time analysis, empowering confident decision making.

With this project, Black Nexus has disrupted the traditional methods of water level monitoring and management, which were often outdated and labor-intensive. Our solution is designed to provide real-time data, which allows for proactive water management and flood control.

In addition to the technical implementation & ongoing support, Black Nexus supported the adoption of the data into the real-time decision making processes. The real-time information used in enhanced reporting and trending, allowed for short-term pro-active decision making and empowered longer term strategic planning. 

The Results

Since its implementation, our automatic water level measurement project has significantly improved water management in Turkey. The system has helped prevent potential flood disasters and has ensured the sustainable use of water resources. Our solution has also provided critical data for planning and decision-making processes related to irrigation and hydroelectric power generation.