Cyber Security

Cyber Security

We provide comprehensive cybersecurity solutions tailored to your business needs.

Our expertise extends to a wide range of industries, including critical infrastructure, utilities, mining, oil, and more. We understand that cybersecurity is a top priority for companies that handle sensitive information, and our team is equipped to provide you with the highest level of protection.

In addition, we have extensive experience working with the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) Australian Energy Sector Cyber Security Framework (AESCSF). This framework sets out the requirements for cybersecurity in the energy sector, and we ensure that all our solutions comply with the desired SP classification standards.

At Black Nexus, we offer a range of cybersecurity services, including risk assessments, penetration testing, threat detection and response, security operations centre (SOC) management, and more. Our team of experts works closely with you to identify vulnerabilities and develop customised solutions that meet your specific needs.

Don’t let cybersecurity threats compromise your business. Contact us today to learn more about our cybersecurity services and how we can help protect your critical assets.

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We work closely with your team to define the objectives, drivers, risks and or Whether you're intending to meet audit criteria,


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Fair prices

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What we do

Audits & Preparation

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Cyber Makeover

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Maintenance & Support

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